A Taste of Life at Longburn
- Relationships - at the heart of our philosophy and practices.
- Language and Culture - building 'Cultural Capital'.
- Literacy and Numeracy (a given).
- Longburn School Learning Approach (adapted from the 'Walker Learning Approach').
- PB4L School utilising a Restorative Approach to behaviour management.
- Robotics.
- ENVIRO School: Animal care (school chooks, aviary birds, Guinea Pigs), Vegetable Gardens, Nature Reserve...
- Whanau Time (start each day as a whole school whanau).
- Cooking (and eating).
- Leadership - Tuakana/Teina + Student Leadership Team.
- Sports (Te Kawau Cluster events and School Teams for some codes).
- Great Outdoor Areas and Facilities: Rock climbing wall, Bike Tracks, Swimming Pool, The Boat, Established trees (including the Nature Reserve), Play areas...
- Bikes in Schools Programme.
- Pause, Breathe, Smile Programme (Mindfulness) - schoolwide.
- Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programme implemented schoolwide.
- NZ Critical Histories Programme - schoolwide.
- 'The Learning Pit' - 'Active Learning through Play' for our Yr 0-3 Learners. Individual and/or small group inquiries around the 17 Global Goals, along with Genius Hour Projects for our Yr 4-8 Learners. All Learners given the opportunity through the Learning Pit to further develop their 'Learner Agency and Key Competencies'.
...and so much more.