We have a long and full history that we are proud of. Our history has helped shape us. Take the time to have a walk through our history.
1877 - On the 13 June 1877, this school, then known as Karere School, was opened. At that time the school was held in the front room of the teachers’ residence which was situated in Reserve Road opposite where the Dairy Factory is.
1879 - In April 1879, the first school building was completed adjacent to the Teachers Residence in Reserve Road.
1881 - In March 1881 an application was made for an enlargement of this building.
1910 - In 1910 the school was shifted to its present site. The entrance to the school was where the school hall now stands.
1922 - In 1922 the old school building was demolished and a new one built.
1923 - In 1923 an artesian bore was sunk to get a good supply of water, and septic tanks were installed. We presume they had long drop toilets up until then. What we now know as the pool filter shed was the boy’s toilet.
1940 - In 1940 a learner’s swimming pool was built and changing sheds were completed in 1943.
1960 - In 1960 a new toilet block was added to the school building. Also in 1960 the Dental Clinic was built and the school grounds reorganised.
1964 - During the early 1960’s, the community dismantled the existing swimming pool and a new swimming pool was in operation at the beginning of 1964.
1965 - In 1965 alterations were made to the school staff toilets, staffroom and a storeroom added.
1975 - The Principal Residence was removed from the back field and a new residence placed where the school hall stands now. The new access to the school was from Carey Street.
1986 - In 1986 the chimneys were removed prior to the school being repainted.
1987 - In 1987 gas heaters were installed in place of the wood burning ones and a hot water cylinder put in. The school was connected to the water reticulation system.
1989 - In 1989 the school water tanks were removed and the school pool was fibre-glassed.
1990 - In January 1990 the tennis/netball courts were resealed. In October 1990 the school was transferred by parents and the community to the Longburn Freezing Works while work commenced on the total remodelling of the school building. At the freezing works we occupied the slaughterman’s canteen, and associated rooms adjacent to it while the administration area was the Medical Centre. We were most fortunate to have this facility and such great playing areas. School functioned really happily there.
1991 - In April 1991 we returned to our school after the Easter Break even though it was not completed. Though we had to work among tradesmen and painters, we were thrilled to be here and very proud of our new school.
1996 - Additions at the front and the back of the school were completed in 1996 to allow for a larger library, a fifth classroom and new staff facilities.
2000 - In 2000 a new Library and Information Technology suite was built separate from the main block.
2004 - In 2004 another new classroom was built on the end of the main school block.
2005 - 2005 saw the construction of the multi-purpose room (hall).
2007 - In 2007 a former classroom was converted into a large new resource room and was furnished with mobile shelving.
2008 - In 2008 a new E-Learning Suite was established in the main school block. Also during this year three classrooms were refurbished and refurnished in order to set them up as a more effective teaching and learning environment.
2009 - In the first half of 2009 the school refurbished and moved it’s library back to the main block next to the E-learning Suite.
2010 - Celebrations of the school being on its current site for the past 100 years - 4th December.
Our history shows a continued desire to see our children provided with the safest and most stimulating learning environment we can provide.
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