Board of Trustees
Boards are accountable for student achievement. As a trustee the members of our Board are responsible for the following...
- Evaluating educational achievement at our school.
- Developing a school charter which includes the strategic direction of our school and identifying the school vision.
- Holding and attending regular meetings.
- Monitoring of all management responsibilities through the delegation of powers to the Principal.
- Managing board and staff relationships, community relationships and media relationships.
- Responsible for monitoring and regular review of finance, property, personnel and student achievement.
- Writing of policies regarding the boards role.
Our school and community expect our Board to...
- Stay a full term on the Board.
- Be supportive, productive and knowledgable about our school and their role as a trustee.
- Be prepared to train.
- Understand governance and management.
- Understand the importance of communicating effectively with the community.
From the "Board of Trustees Toolkit" supplied by Ministry of Education - Schools Support Network
We have a highly supportive and proactive Board of Trustees. Their priority is to see student achievement raised.
Meet our Board of Trustees Here